
Canvas Course Design Toolkit



Full course description

This toolkit is designed to provide teachers at Karolinska Institutet with real life examples of how to use Canvas to create content based on the six learning types in the ABC course design model. You will be accessing this toolkit in the student role in Canvas. This will allow you to use your experience as a student to reflect on the use of these Canvas components in your own course as a teacher.

This toolkit gives concrete examples of components that you can use in Canvas for designing course content. It also gives you the opportunity to actually particate in a course using these components. You will have the double benefit of seeing Canvas as a student as well as reflecting how you design your course content.

You will be able interact with fellow colleagues in the discussion forums.

If you complete all the quiz and assignments in the toolkit you will be able to access a certificate of completion from your student dashboard here in Canvas Catalog.

Sign up for this course today!
