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Blended Learning Design Toolkit



Full course description

About the Toolkit

This toolkit is a step-by-step guide for designing quality teaching and learning sessions in blended course delivery. This toolkit is aimed primarily at educators working with course development, or anyone interested in designing teaching and learning at KI.

The toolkit consists of five content modules.

  1. How to design learning
  2. How to design blended learning
  3. How to map your course in Canvas
  4. How to create videos for your blended learning courses
  5. How to create active learning opportunities

You can either progress through the course sequentially, module by module, or immerse yourself in specific modules, allowing you to explore content at your own pace.

Learning outcomes

By the end of the toolkit, you should be able to: 

  • Understand the Role of a Learning Designer: Articulate the responsibilities and functions of a learning designer within educational contexts, including the design, development, and implementation of effective learning experiences
  • Apply Backward Design Principles: Use backward design methodology to systematically plan and organise course content, assessments, and learning activities to align with predefined learning outcomes
  • Demonstrate Mastery of Flipped and Blended Learning: Define and differentiate flipped learning and blended learning models, and critically analyse their applications in diverse educational settings through reflective practices and discussions
  • Constructively Align Assessments and Activities: Create assessments and learning activities that directly correlate with stated learning outcomes, ensuring constructive alignment between instructional strategies, assessments, and desired learning objectives.
  • Integrate Canvas for Blended Learning: Integrate Canvas for Blended Learning: Develop a comprehensive plan for integrating blended learning, leveraging the features of Canvas to facilitate effective delivery of online components while enhancing student engagement and interaction
  • Select Effective Learning Activities: Evaluate and select appropriate learning activities tailored to specific learning contexts, considering the affordances and constraints of traditional and online teaching methodologies.
  • Design Videos that promote Psychological Safety: Explore the use of videos as a tool to foster psychological safety and humanise online learning environments, identifying strategies to promote student engagement, connection, and inclusivity within blended learning frameworks.

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